You’re in a war, not a job.
You’re a soldier, not an employee.
Problems. They occur when we don’t realize that changes in our circumstances are okay. One day you may be in an intense firefight with the enemy… you win and conquer his territory. However, the next day you’re exhausted. Reinforcements come; you head back to basecamp to resupply, eat a hot meal, shower and rest. Soon your strength is back, and you feel better.
Then your Commanding Officer orders you to complete a special mission. You have to do weeks of specialized training and preparation. Eventually, the waiting time begins to drive you crazy. The mission is dangerous, but the long hours of training create an urge to complete the mission. Every night you are on alert, ready to go, but every night you’re denied. Finally, the call comes, you find yourself engaging with a fierce enemy, outnumbered, however, you have superior tactics and weaponry. Your training kicks in and you overcome fear, which keeps failure at bay.
After the sun comes up, you and your team stand triumphant over the dead enemy…victory! But then, the exhaustion, falling adrenaline, bruises from the ricochets off your body’s armor, the vision of fallen comrades come crashing down, pulling your emotions and hormones down with them. Again you head back to base…to begin the cycle all over again.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood …
The problem is when we are in a fight to destroy the works of the devil and we begin wondering, “What’s wrong with me? What did I do wrong?”… Nothing… God says you are His ultimate servant! That is why you battle. Your reward is the ability to fight and win victoriously for Him! Your reward is eternal.
Or, we feel that we are stuck in a holding pattern, doing nothing – bored out of our minds! God says “Patience… I am preparing you for a special mission!”
Or, maybe you did everything you knew was right, loved all you could, but physically you’ve been forced to take some leave or back from off many responsibilities. You ask, “Why am I so sad, negative, tired all the time?” “God says, “It’s time to recover and wait until I release you again!”
Our problems. They often stem from seeing our lives as a 9-5 salaried employee. When in actuality, God sees you as a gun-toting, special forces savage, taking no prisoners, and setting the captives free!
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