We’ve been in “lockdown” for weeks now… overall it has gone okay. We’ve had great days, hard days, and just plain normal days. We’ve been blessed and we’ve been stretched. We’ve been bombarded with news, speculations, opinions, and one too many memes.
We’ve been challenged to learn the importance of switching off and finding peace. Moments to unwind, to relax, and breathe. We’ve fought the need for productivity versus the need to zone out. We’ve experienced the contentment of being home versus the need to be out.
We’ve had to contend with our freedom of movement being restricted versus our need to be in control of our wants and desires. We’ve had to process loss – loss of connections, expectations, celebrations, and hopes versus the importance of appreciation, contentment, gratitude, and thankfulness. Learning to accept what’s out of our control and be okay with going with the flow.
We’ve had to battle the need for exercise and being healthy versus boredom snacking, chocolate, and extra wine cravings.
We’ve had to consider where our identity, self-worth, and peace lies. We’ve had to give extra grace to ourselves and those around us. We’ve had to give respect to how each individual and family unit responds differently and feels differently from the way we do.
We’ve had to look outwardly, not only at our loved ones but to those around us – riding the storm without a boat, nevermind the paddle. We’ve had to remember that all things eventually come to an end. Seasons change – not everything lasts forever. We’ve had to look for the silver linings, the joys and moments that special memories are made of. We’ve had to vent a little, cry a little and give ourselves a break.. a lot.
Tomorrow’s a new day. A day to learn a new dance, sing, veg out, accomplish a goal, or a day to stop and remember that we are loved, cherished, and valuable no matter how the day is spent or unfolds before us.
(Please note: The above is musings of my own heart and the processing of my personal feelings during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown. It is in no way indicative of everyone’s thoughts or experiences). I would love to hear about how you have experienced this unusual time and your thoughts around it!
Thank you for your thoughts, Pastor Reuben. They are so poignant and beautifully written. An excellent verse to meditate upon and hold on to. Thank you for your encouraging words.
Kristofer Gray
Thanks for sharing!