There are times that I adopt the negative behaviors of my young children, ones that I have been trying to correct throughout the day. However, when I allow myself to be open to God’s leading, He often reminds me to readjust the downward spiral and refocus, through one simple act. Expressing gratitude. Now, I’m fully …
Arguing with God (Part 1)
Jesus Nerd: Volume #3 – Arguing with God: Getting Closer to Jesus. “I can’t stand you right now! I’m so mad at you!” These phrases and MUCH worse have gone from my mouth…to God!!! The crazy thing is, lightning did not incinerate me or even singe my backside. Even more shockingly, after taking my frustration …
What’s Love Gotta Do With It?
Jesus Nerd: Volume #4 Check out this week’s video blog below… don’t miss the bloopers at the end! 😉 1 John 4:8 – “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” Exodus 3:14 – “God said to Moses, “I am who I am.[a] This is what you are to say to …
Why Argue with God? (Part 2)
“The Lord would speak to Moses, face to face, as one speaks to a friend. …” Exodus 33:11 Have you ever had a close friend you did not argue with? I haven’t. I have had many acquaintances, buddies even, however, a real friend without an occasional fight is like claiming you’ve found a pure …
Planting A Church vs. Being The Church
Have we ever stopped to think about how churches are made or how they should be made? More importantly… Did Jesus Even Command Us To Make Churches? What did He command us to do? If we rely on program and method to “plant” big exciting churches, we risk two things: Firstly, overshadowing smaller yet effective churches …
Churches – Let’s go back to the drawing board…
“That’s not how you mentor.” A seasoned pastor once told me. “You have to take them out, show them how and then turn them loose.” This was a challenging statement. A statement which has been the prevailing wisdom I’ve heard from western culture, churches, schools and even teaching workshops over and over again. Now, I …
Joyful Trash
Proverbs 27:18 “Whoever tends a fig tree will eat its fruit, and he who guards his master will be honored.” The more grey hairs I discover, the greater the reality hits me, that time continues its relentless march. Don’t get me wrong, I do understand that time is relative. However, for my human body, death …
Gray Family Missions Update – March Video Blog
Church Decline – Physics & Spiritual Giftings…
Did you know, every time a shooting star streaks across the sky, another church closes its doors? Actually, I just made that up, but let’s be honest, a lot of churches are splitting and closing down to the tune of around eight thousand a year*, and I would like to venture a guess that most …
Inconveniences Save Lives
“Sir, can you please help me out, I have to provide for my family, and we have no food. Please, is there anything you can do?” The young man was desperate, his eyes searched mine for hope, and his body language showed stress and strain that didn’t belong to such a young man. This young …