There are times that I adopt the negative behaviors of my young children, ones that I have been trying to correct throughout the day. However, when I allow myself to be open to God’s leading, He often reminds me to readjust the downward spiral and refocus, through one simple act.
Expressing gratitude.
Now, I’m fully aware that this is a vogue topic. There are many books circulating that speak on this exact subject. One example is the very poetic book “One Thousand Gifts” which speaks to the recognition of the power of gratitude. More importantly, the Bible speaks about “being grateful” and “giving thanks’ (Eucharisteo – Greek Verb) 39 times. Generally, if the Bible mentions something more than once, it is an invitation to sit up and take notice. When a positive behavioral trait is mentioned 39 times, it is something to take to heart and prayerfully apply habitually within one’s own life.
Gratitude is definitely an art form, a habit that needs to be cultivated faithfully.
The Bible speaks about guarding God’s precepts and teaching “them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” (Deut. 11:19)
For me, one of God’s precepts and one of the secrets of the kingdom is walking in gratitude and thankfulness.
Teaching our children how to incorporate this mindset and attitude throughout their day is one of the greatest gifts we can bestow upon them. You will all reap the benefits!
When we are in the valleys of life, expressing gratitude is a powerful tool for seeing the silver lining. I’m not saying that it is the end-all solution, but rather that it is a great help along the journey. When I face particular circumstances that cause me anxiety, the minute I review everything within that circumstance that is positive and a reason for praise, I feel a greater sense of joy and peace. At times, like any positive practice, I have to do it repeatedly in order for it to stick!
What is it that you are grateful for today? How are you teaching your children the art of gratitude?
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