Jesus Nerd: Volume #3 – Arguing with God: Getting Closer to Jesus.

“I can’t stand you right now! I’m so mad at you!” These phrases and MUCH worse have gone from my mouth…to God!!! The crazy thing is, lightning did not incinerate me or even singe my backside. Even more shockingly, after taking my frustration out on God, I felt at more peace and closer to Him than before! Now, that doesn’t make much sense… or does it?
Let me remind you of the story back in the Old Testament, when Moses goes up a sacred mountain to chill with God. He’s there for a long time, ’cause hanging out with God is incredible and losing track of time is a very easy thing to do! The rest of Israel gets worried and decides that Moses is dead, thus. they begin worshiping something they could see, a golden statue of a cow; they cheat on God.
When God sees this, He’s pissed! He tells Moses to go down and watch God bust’a cap in Israel. However, our man, Moses, says, “Heck no! God, you can’t bring people out into a desert and then kill ‘em, what’s the rest of the world gonna think? ‘Wow, trust in their God and he’ll smoke you when you make Him mad.’” Of course, that’s all paraphrased. The main point I’m making is that Moses talked God (Creator of the universe) down from going “mad-dog” on Israel AND this was even before Jesus made adoption into His family accessible.
Every relationship, whether a marriage, friendship, or a relationship with God Himself, must answer the same question: Not IF, but WHEN you butt heads, will you work it out?
It’s inevitable, you will either argue and wrestle with God (like Jacob in the wilderness), or you can ignore Him and your friendship will become lame, boring, and go nowhere.
You may be asking…what about showing reverence to God, asking for forgiveness and saying sorry? That definitely has its place… but for that, stay tuned for more from Jesus Nerd.
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