December 2019
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela
The morning started with a lovely array of breakfast scones and tea as the teenagers (15-19-year-olds) began to arrive at St. John’s. They all looked very smart in their “Sunday best”. The hall was beautifully decorated with white table cloths adorning the tables and Christmas trees and decor giving the room a festive feel.
The program started with a welcome and opening prayer from Mama Patricia Marite. Several current St. John youth as well as alumni of St. John’s were asked to come and share with the 120 youth in attendance. The first speaker sharing his testimony was Johannes “Pastor” Bosiu. The next speaker was Molifi Molefe who is currently in his 2nd year at WITS studying International Relations and Economic and Political Studies.
The speakers all spoke on the importance of focusing on the future and not the past, “looking back only to learn from the lessons and not staying in the past”. Having a mentor was also discussed as well as letting your vision for life be clear and asking God what He has planted in our hearts for our futures. A lovely analogy was shared on how one should put their shoes under their beds at night, so that in the morning when you bend down to retrieve them, you are already on your knees to remember and thank God for your day and blessings.
Afterward the main guest speaker, Nniki Makgela opened up with a fun “dance-off” ice-breaker, that got everyone moving and grooving… Kirsten was even roped into participating (the video evidence quickly destroyed! LOL!). Nniki then discussed the importance of having a vision for one’s life…creating a vision board and planning for each year. Visualizing how we see ourselves in 2020, in all aspects of life. She asked the youth how they see themselves, who they desire to be, as the answers often determine what you value and represent in life. She spoke about how the biggest value is love… love for God, love for oneself, and love for others.

An amazing lunch was then served, consisting of delicious meat, rice, beetroot and green salad, potato salad and other tasty side dishes. The staff in the kitchen worked tirelessly to ensure an amazing feast. Other staff members waited on each table in an effort to make the youth feel extra special.
The day ended with the youth receiving a gift and a blessing. We hoped they enjoyed the day as much as we enjoyed blessing them!
“Don’t chase money, chase your dreams and money will follow”.
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