September 18, 2019
We are so glad you asked! 😉 Many years ago, Patricia Marite (Program Manager at St. John’s) received a vision to create a place where children and youth alike (and adults too!) from all the local areas, townships and informal settlements in the West Rand and beyond would have a place to go to experience God and His love for them.
On Sunday evening, September 8th, 2019 over fifty amazing people gathered together at the future campsite (Hillside, Randfontein) for an all-night prayer meeting to dedicate the land to the Lord. This was a special time that included a word from Rev. Cathy, a lovely dinner spread, and a worship dance given by some of the St. John’s children. A special focus was made on the testimonies regarding all that the Lord has done in people’s lives over the past decade.
The following morning on 09-09-2019 the Bethel Youth and Children’s Camp was dedicated by Rev. Trevor Slade along with Rev. Gwen Slade. The service included seven ladies (Kirsten is one of them) being commissioned as “fundraisers and visionaries” for the future campsite. A poignant message was given as well as powerful testimonies of God’s provision. Beautiful worship was sung acapella style and lastly, the plague revealing the dedication was unveiled by the Marite family.

We are very excited about all that God has planned for the “Bethel Youth & Children’s Camp”. To help be a groundbreaker and become a partner with us in seeing this vision come to fruition, please email Patrica Marite at or phone: 082-857-1424. To give financially, please click here to donate!
Donations Appreciated:
Bank: Standard Bank
Account Number: 021 386 072
Holder: St. John the Divine Orphans and Outreach

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