In recognition of “Nelson Mandela Day” on July 18th, 2020, Ryan Jr’s Cub Scout group initiated an endeavor to make “Bags of Hope”… ready to make stew/soup! Each bag consisted of rice, lentils, soup mix, and other nutritious ingredients.
Ryan was determined to make at least 100 bags or “as many as possible”! Due to several generous donations, Ryan was able to purchase supplies to make 174 bags! God is awesome!
100 bags were donated to a children’s nursery school that feeds 50 underprivileged children each day in a local township.
60 bags were donated to St. John’s Orphan & Outreach Center to help feed the children and families they support.
14 bags were distributed to the local homeless individuals and young mothers within our neighborhood in need of food.
Thank you so much to our ongoing supporters as well as everyone who gave of their time and finances to help Ryan make “Bags of Hope”, these acts of kindness and love are not doable without your support!
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