15 April 2023
Which children were in the greatest need of food? Which ones had been trying hard and staying out of trouble? A list was compiled and around 90 children came together for a special Easter celebration. The children coming from three different informal settlements (tin shacks), had all practiced an Easter play, thus ensuring that they understood the true meaning of Easter. They did a fabulous job!
Later on, you could hear a pin drop as the comic book tract explaining Jesus was read. They were super excited to be able to keep one to take home as well. As we prayed with the children, many prayed with us to receive Jesus, however, we felt the Holy Spirit confirm later that three children had given their lives to Him for the first time. Three reasons to rejoice! One of these is a young 14-year-old girl, who beyond her choice, is a mother to a 8-month-old. Showing her God’s love, that she is seen by Him and doing a great job raising her daughter, the best way she knows how is why we are here doing what we do.
The day was over seven hours of fun, good food, dancing, teaching the kids about staying safe in the community, and of course, a fabulous, fun Easter Egg hunt! All in all a huge success and blessing from God!
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