One definition of a miracle is “an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs”. So basically, going beyond something that is usual or regular, something needing God’s intervention to make possible.
I believe God desires to partake in our lives on a daily basis, making what is seemingly impossible to us, possible through His intervention. However, I know that I often fail to see the smaller inventions as I’m looking for the bigger “lottery wins” (which He loves to do too, according to His will and our best interests). Thus, I tend to overlook God’s help and guidance in my daily needs or requests.
I have also found, that the more I strive to get everything done in my own strength, I reject the need for God’s intervention, whether in small areas or greater ones. It is only when I relinquish control over to Him and stop daily to review and give God the glory for my life’s little and big successes that I see these little miracles for what they are…
Over the past few weeks, our family has been gearing up to return to work in missions in South Africa. We needed to go from Kansas City to Nashville, but with two too many bags, as well as several hundred dollars too short, we had a tiring and trying dilemma. We could rent a smaller car for a cheaper price but then we would not have been able to fit in all our bags… ugh.
The Holy Spirit reminded me that my parents were flying to Nashville the day we were set to arrive there… the idea was sparked… they could take our extra luggage (free for them)! They had booked this quick overnight trip four months ago, but the date worked out amazingly… a true “God-incidence”! As an extra bonus, we got upgraded to a larger SUV, which we ended up needing with all of our belongings, kids, etc! For us, this was an amazing God intervention, a little miracle, if you please.
So if you, who are sinful, know how to give your children good gifts, how much more so does your Father in heaven, who is perfect, know how to give great gifts to His children! Matthew 7: 7-11 (The Voice)
This week, I have also seen how God cares about the things I would deem as not ‘holy’ or important enough for God’s intervention… something, I am realizing I’m sorely mistaken in believing… Psalm 37: 4 says “Take great joy in the Eternal! His gifts are coming, and they are all your heart desires!” (The Voice). I believe this may be referring to not only spiritual gifts but also our heart’s physical desires and even those of our children! I know that God loves to answer our children’s prayers and the desires of their hearts…

My five year old received a beautiful but rather large dollhouse for Christmas a couple of years ago. She had only just begun enjoying playing with it when we moved to South Africa… and there was no way we were going to be able to take a 41-pound dollhouse with us. She often talked about missing her dollhouse, so upon being back in the States I looked on Craigslist… all the dollhouses were way out of our price range, around $75 dollars and up.
However, one ad popped up… it had been there for two weeks and the price was only $15! My skeptical self thought it was a scam, but I contacted them anyway, and… it was the exact dollhouse we had owned previously! It was in amazing condition, with all the furniture too…. a special gift, kept just for a little girl’s heart’s desire… a divine intervention in human affairs? I think so 😉
I would love to hear about how God has intervened in your daily life…whether in the small, seemly insignificant desires or the large long-awaited ones….!
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