Jesus Nerd: Volume #1
This evening I am once again watching one of my favorite TV shows, Star Trek. I love these stories; alien characters, epic space battles, and humor that can usually only be understood if you know the fictional Star Trek universe… I know, I’m a total science fiction nerd, and I love it!

However, it strikes me that many of us on a life journey with Jesus can act like what we read in the Bible is merely science fiction…
I’m here to tell you that Jesus and His Kingdom ain’t no fiction!
You may be saying, ‘Wait a minute, I’ve accepted Christ, I know He’s real, I believe!’ And that’s great! Awesome, I have no doubt you do. However, I think there is something, even more special and amazing, in store for every Christian, more incredible than the most explosive and well-written space opera than you can imagine, and it can start right here and right now!
‘Jesus Nerd’ is a blog dedicated to anyone willing to sell out to find a real Jesus experience in every area of your life. To spiritually and physically walk with Jesus wherever and whenever.
There’s a passage in Romans 8*, where a guy named Paul talks about walking by the Spirit, not the physical body. For a long time, I thought this was only about not doing “bad stuff” but recently I’ve had a mind-blowing thought: Paul isn’t saying, “Don’t screw up, Ryan”, He’s saying, walk in the Spirit Jesus gave you ALL THE TIME! If we can do that a little better every day, than doing what’s right in life will come easier and easier. Does that sound too simple or stranger than science fiction? I don’t think so.
As I’ve come to realize, the real battle is keeping it simple.
Simply walk with the Spirit, who already knows all the complicated stuff. So…the next question is how? How do we walk with this Spirit? How do we walk with the right spirit? What exactly do I do?
We’ll get into that with Jesus Nerd: Volume #2

*I recommend reading Romans 8 in its entirety to get the full content and understanding of what’s being taught.
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