I bit my lip, the customer service was terrible. This was the second store in a row that day, that was highly lacking in any form of customer service. The A side of my personality kicked in… maybe I should tell them? Give them a few pieces of advice (a.k.a “a piece of my mind”) …Breathe.
Then the Lord reminded me of an important principle…
How will my interaction with this individual leave them feeling?
I recalled two stories… one about a former president who was known to focus upon the individual he was speaking with, making them feel special, as if they were the most important person in the room, never judging them by their status or behavior. He was beloved by many. The other story was of a famous individual, who was the opposite in character; his insecurity caused him to seek the spotlight within the room, belittling others to ensure they knew he was always the most knowledgeable, had the best advice, or was the important individual within the room. His company was not sought out.
If it is Jesus’s desire for me to not let one day go, without reaching out in love to those around me, seeking out those whom I can help, spreading joy… whether through a smile or an act of kindness, then maybe today, in this frustrating store, love looked like holding my tongue and exchanging my frustration for peace, joy and kindness.
What is the cost of desiring to be valued as important to those around us… so we voice our opinions… as we truly feel we know best; or perhaps desiring to voice our frustrations, so those annoying us grasp just how irritated we are… is it worth it?
Jesus spoke to my heart whilst in that store, and reminded me that showing love was more important than being right, regardless of whether I was or not. Sigh. Heart check. I gave the cashier a big smile and asked her about her day. We ended up having a nice chat; her customer skills probably remained the same, but I know that both her and I left one another with big smiles, and I left that store with more joy going out than I had going in.
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