Living by faith is hard. Very hard. Learning to trust in what you feel God has said you are to do workwise or ministry wise, versus looking at man’s wisdom and understanding is a daily struggle. The pearl of wisdom given in the verse below, is the one I wrestle with the most, in my walk with the Lord…
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to Him,
and He will make your paths straight.
However, the Lord is faithful and there is always enough when we relinquish our lives to Him… we often have to let go of all our fail-safes or all of our control over a situation (something I struggle with immensely!) before we can see how He is making our paths straight, but with daily practice through trial and error we can learn to trust in Him and His timing and His ways more and more!
As a family we have come to a very difficult place financially… living by faith has started to take a great toll on our bank accounts… and with our birthday’s coming up (we happen to share the same one!) and other expenses due, we knew celebrations would be limited.
However, God is faithful… just as the pocketbook looked empty, on the day before our birthdays, God blessed us abundantly, with financial support given to us from a South African gentleman Ryan has been mentoring as well as another financial gift from a generous supporter in the States. We were able to pay our current expenses as well as have a fun birthday celebration to boot – God’s birthday gift to us!
What breakthrough are you praying for and trusting God to do in your life? What testimonies of faithfulness can you share with others to encourage them and yourself as you trust in Him and lean not on your own understanding?
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