19 May 2023 As the famous saying goes, “When eating an elephant, take one bite at a time.” As we enter Winter over here in South Africa and take a look back over the past five months, many positive changes are noticeable within Hlanganani’s children, these changes are done slowly “one bite at a time”. …
The Priceless Gift of Electricity
1 May 2023 We picked our way through the informal settlement, stepping over piles of litter and deep holes in the dirt road formed by the water draining down the street. The shacks lining the street were alive with families socializing and enjoying loud music and food on Sunday evening before work started again. We …
An Egg-cellent Easter Celebration!
15 April 2023 Which children were in the greatest need of food? Which ones had been trying hard and staying out of trouble? A list was compiled and around 90 children came together for a special Easter celebration. The children coming from three different informal settlements (tin shacks), had all practiced an Easter play, thus …
Eggstravagant Easter
8 April 2023 Easter weekend arrived and we had all our boxes ticked! We were ready for an “egg-stravagant Easter” with the Bokamoso kids. √ 38+ Excited Bokamoso Kids √ 250 Easter eggs √ Easter Skit & …
The Smiles of Mpumalanga
February 2023 Come rain, sunshine, or mud (lots of mud), it’s always a blast to empower, bless and have lots of fun with the Bokamoso kids in Mpumalanga!
The Gift of Food
The township of Alexandra is one of the oldest and more notorious townships in Johannesburg, with crime and poverty being rampant throughout the area. Over thirty of Bokamoso’s children live within the township, some residing in an area where over 100 people share only two toilets. When speaking with these young boys and girls, many …
Bokamoso Christmas Party 2022
115 Christmas gifts had been bought and carefully wrapped, ensuring they were personalized for each child. 121 Food parcels had been planned and packaged. A special meal for over 125 people had been prepared and was ready to serve. The arts & crafts were ready to go. The church hall was decorated, and a bible …
Hlanganani Christmas Party!
26 November 2022 The day had finally arrived…our annual Hlanganani Christmas celebration! The day dawned with dark, cloudy skies…would the weather hold out? Our kiddos were so excited for a day of swimming, fun on a slip ‘n slide, and of course, wonderful, delicious food! The weather was kind to us, and the kids got …
Blessings Big & Small
1 November 2022 We kicked off the month with our usual mentoring groups in which we have been focusing on teaching the little ones to have faith and hope in God to see miracles happen in their lives (these are often hopes for basic necessities). One young sibling pair who lives with their grandma in …
All In A Day’s …Fun!
29 October 2022 The end of the month found us having one of our regular day-long events for sixty-plus Bokamoso kids, where it was great to be able to show our ministry partners where their funds go in regard to feeding the children in need and those whom we minister to. It was awesome to …