Would you spend $3.00 to share Jesus’ love with someone? In the last few days, I had the opportunity to tip a server. The steak was good and timely served for my dinner; the meal overall was very nice. An 18% tip for either factor would have been more than enough. But what if I …
Lessons Along The Way
The lessons we set out to learn, are not always the ones God intends for us to grasp. Our first stop before flying to South Africa was Tampa, Florida. We attended a seven day conference for leaders and ministers, one that was focused on the Holy Spirit and the impartation of gifts. I was feeling …
Pit Stops Along The Way
12,000 (Flying) Miles. 20 Pieces of luggage. 9 States. 2,500 (Driving) Miles. 7 Houses. 3 Flights. 2 Conferences. 2 Kids. 2 Countries. 1 Big God. In August 2018, we confirmed the call we felt from the Lord to move from our home, family and friends in California back across the ocean, over 10,500 thousand miles to …
Up, Up & Away
I was frustrated. Everything in my left-brain dominated personality had fought against the logic of waiting. Although, we had clearly felt from the Lord to wait until God’s exact timing to purchase our airline tickets to South Africa, my “common sense and wisdom” did not appreciated the fact that we had to wait until two …
Be A Fanatic
I recently attended a conference that was unlike anything I have experienced. We felt as though we needed to be there, yet, it was not one of our best conference experiences. The folks who ran the conference did not always display Christ-like behavior from the podium. However, there was one thing they did that stood …
Unstoppable Six-year old
It was freezing! The first snow of the year fell just enough for Ryan Jr. to catch one on his tongue. He was so excited. Snow=Winter and Winter=Christmas and Christmas=more Legos! On our walk to Starbucks, for our father-son date, we said “Hi” to a “new friend” asking for money at the traffic light. We …
Blankets of Joy!
God’s faithfulness is shown to us in many ways, big and small. However, we can often miss the smaller, seamlessly insignificant ways that reveal God’s love for us, His children. His faithfulness in one particular ‘small’ area warmed my mother’s heart… As we were limited to moving overseas with only two boxes each (one for …
Selfish Generosity
After an extensive search on my mobile maps for local restaurants, sadly Micky-Dee’s was my only choice. I had a headache from a long week of travel, meetings and tough decisions. I had been sleeping ‘on the road’ for two weeks, so my body had given up trying to figure out which bed to adjust …
Dan To The Rescue!
I sat in the back of the huge church, intent on receiving whatever Jesus had for me at the large conference. I glanced around, and noticed a lone man, sitting in back, wearing a faded blue hooded sweatshirt and matching baseball cap. Dark curly hair escaped out of his hat, and a warm smile lit …