Empower. Encourage. Love.
These words exemplify our hearts behind the Gray Family Missions journey. God has given us a heart to “love the unloved“, one person at a time, one day at a time.
We invite you to join us on this journey as we do life with orphans and vulnerable children in Johannesburg, South Africa; working with:
Hlanganani Orphan Care & Bokamoso Fitness Club.
Click here to learn more about our mission! As we chat about our adventures in serving God in South Africa, we hope that you are encouraged and inspired in your own walk of faith.
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Quarterly Newsletter: Read about our latest adventures!
What a packed fill, adventurous, faith-building, blessed, and fun year 2024 was for us! Thank you to all of our friends, family, and incredible ministry partners who made 2024 fabulous. God is amazing in all He has done in our lives and those around us. Check out the video below for an overview of 2024.
The Command
Learning To Make Disciples As Jesus Commanded
I invite you alongside me for a journey, as we explore a strategy that every believer, from every country and every denomination can get behind.
Go out and do what Jesus did.
Specifically, go out and make disciples of those around us.
This book will delve into the Bible exploring these questions:
Why is discipleship important?
What is a disciple of Jesus?
How can I go out into my everyday life and make disciples?
How can the modern-day church focus more on making disciples?